Monday, November 18, 2013

Battersea Arts Centre Digital Archive powered by Omeka

At the occasion of 120th anniversary celebration of the opening the building, the Battersea Arts Centre (BAC) in London together with Klokan Technologies GmbH have launched the digital archive website powered by the open-source software and online community. BAC created this vital online resource which will help to develop more partnerships, reach new audiences and follow the BAC's mission: to invent the future of theatre.

Omeka 2.0

Klokan Technologies have adjusted and deployed Omeka (, the open source content management system for online digital collections. Specialized in development of applications of open-source software for the culture heritage sector, we customized the Omeka core for BAC project and enriched it with new functionality and custom theme.

Omeka was designed to satisfy the needs of institutions that lack extensive technical staff and large budget and allows the archive to expand and improve as the online user community employ the available contribute function.


Unique photo wall technology has been used for exploring the attractive content (as you can see on the picture). We have applied a new fast zooming approach for even better interaction experience with the scanned photos and other digital artifacts. Audience can also use an instant search function with advanced filtering by time and additional attributes.

Klokan Technologies GmbH offer culture heritage institutions development of similar online applications, which open the archives and documents to completely new forms of exploration, discovery and online research and ensure the preservation of the originals.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Austrian National Library - the first 100,000 papers on the web

The Austrian National Library scanned first 100.000 complete historical books from the beginning of 16th century until the second half of the 19th century within the project Google Books. These unique historical books are now accessible online.

You can read the Press Release here:

Klokan Technologies provided the Austrian National Library with the open-source software for the display of scanned books from JPEG2000 format.

Klokan Technologies created mentioned open-source by the implementation of IIIF protocol. Used protocol was defined by the consortium of people from Stanford University, Oxford University, British Library etc. (for more info please visit: The IIIF image API specifies a web service that returns an image in response to a standard http or https request.

About 600.000 copyright-free works are supposed to be digitized.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

His Majesty King Willem-Alexander opens the exhibition of Atlas Neederlanden rendered with MapTiler

His Majesty King Willem-Alexander opens today the exhibition of Atlas Neederlanden.

The MapTiler software has been used to produce the interactive online presentation of the historic maps from this atlas.

Klokan Technologies GmbH in cooperation with the team from the University of Amsterdam has been processing these beautiful maps on the Dutch national research HPC Infrastructure of the SURFsara supercomputer centre.

The special collection of historical maps shows in the map image the genesis of the Kingdom of Netherlands. The Atlas of Neederlanden which was recently restored and digitized and processed with the MapTiler software. This atlas consists from nine parts and contains 618 maps of the Netherlands from the 17th to the early 19th century and represents the largest collector atlas of the country.

The digital version is available online at:

The exhibition called Atlas of Neederlanden: the dawn of the Kingdom at the University of Amsterdam which was opened by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander on October 18 2013 and will last until 9 February 2014 celebrates 200 years Kingdom of the Netherlands.

It began in 2010 with the restoration and digitization of maps. The process was completed late last year. This made it possible to publish these maps for the first time.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

WebGL accelerated Georeferencer presented on ICA conference in Rome

On ICA conference in Rome (19-20 Sep. 2013) Hynek Pridal from Klokan Technologies presented integration of Polynomial and Thin plate spline transformation into Georeferencer. Those are more accurate for some of the use cases. Up to now this was done only with special map server software with OGC WMS needing installation on the local server. Now it is possible using html technologies such as .HTML5 Canvas, SVG or WebGL which means no installation on your server and no troubles consequently.

WebGL allows hardware accelerated graphical operations on a web page. A graphic card of your own computer is utilized and therefore the overall performance is much higher then experienced ever before. Maps appears faster and there is no need to store georeferenced and non-georeferenced copies of the maps separately - so it is possible to save on the digital storage as well.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

TileServer: WMTS from map tiles and MBTiles

Do you want to host your maps online according the OGC WMTS standard? Did you know you can do that from an ordinary PHP web hosting?

Your maps could be used on the web and in mobile devices, but also opened in ArcGIS for Desktop from ESRI or in the open-source QGIS and other desktop GIS clients and systems. There is no need to install any special server software such as MapServer or GeoServer to achieve this.

On the 26th International Cartographic Conference in Dresden, Germany we have announced a new TileServer project which allows exactly this.

The presentation contains a step-by-step guide how to convert GeoTIFF or other raster geodata files into tiles and WMTS online endpoint.
Any ordinary webserver is supported  - no need to install additional server software - so the publishing process is extremely easy and the maps are very fast.

The TileServer comes with a nice JavaScript interface showing the list of the published maps, sample viewers in Google Maps, Leaflet and other web libraries including copy&paste ready code. Both tiles in a folder as well as the MBTiles are supported.

There are also step-by-step guides for desktop GIS software which is supported:
The maps are of course usable with:
  • Web mapping via Google Maps API, Leaflet, OpenLayers, MapBox.js via TileJSON
  • iOS mobile devices (iPhone/iPad) via MapKit or RouteMe
  • Android tablets and mobile phones via OSMDroid and Google Maps Android API
Check the presentation and feel free to download and try the open-source TileServer-PHP project.

To convert your geodata into tiles you can use our

The TileServer PHP project website:

Video recording of the presentation:

Slides for presentation:

The TileServer-PHP projects has been co-developed together with NOAA - and in fact it has been successfully used on the official Hurricane Sandy Response Imagery service where it has replaced ArcIMS server for large number of simultaneous visitors - from the web and mobile application as well as GIS clients.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Coding session of our developers

Our today's effort is your tomorrow's profit

In the beginning of July we have made a coding sprint and hacking session with the Klokan Technologies GmbH core developers together with a few guests interested in programming and hacking with us.

This has been great few days - where some of the fruits of our work and results are or soon going to become available as part of our products and open-source projects.

What have we done?

Well, for example the Georeferencer online service supports now directly the world-wide unique WebGL in browser transformation into Polynomial and Thin Plate Spline map overlays for thousands of maps:

You can open and play with one for example here:

Just click on Polynomial or TPS buttons. Do you like it?  Share your experience with us!

The MapTiler Pro and the open-source OGC WMTS TileServer, which is going to be presented on the International Cartographic Conference in Dresden 2013 ( and on FOSS4G ( has moved significantly forward too and we have now set a clear roadmap for further development.

There are many more cool new things in our labs, which are going to be announced later this year!

Stay with us and enjoy our products.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

MapTiler Pro launched

The new Pro version of MapTiler with a graphical user interface provides more comfortable way of using the software, while the advanced users can still utilise the command line for complete automation and batch processing.

The MapTiler Pro is enhancing and replacing the older MapTiler Cluster product. All our customers are being upgraded now.

MapTiler and MapTiler Pro converts raster maps into a format suitable for web applications, mobile devices and 3D visualisation. It provides the easiest way how to prepare raster geodata for mashups, apps and for Google Earth. It produces either a folder with tiles and simple HTML viewer or the MBTiles data format.

Raster maps and images are transformed into tiles compatible with Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Microsoft Bing, MapQuest or MapBox and can be used as overlay or standalone background maps. The maps can be also visualised in 3D form by Google Earth.

Developers can easily render raster geodata into map tiles suitable for Google Maps API mashups and native mobile applications (iPhone/iPad/Android) made with Apple MapKit, RouteMe or OSMDroid.

MapTiler Pro 0.4.1 has following added features:
  • Graphical user interface for Windows and Mac OS X for rendering of multiple files (GeoTiff, MrSID, ECW,...) into a seamless map layer
  • Support for direct output into MBTiles format
  • Leaflet viewer automatically generated for all maps, next to Google Maps API V3
  • Improved progress bar status for rendering
  • Drag and Drop files and improved dialog for spatial reference systems
  • User friendly installer under Windows and fixes of various bugs
  • A new cheaper license option - with availability for one month
Contact to get a free demo and more info.