Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Culture Globe wins EuropeanaTech Hackaton competition

Klokan Technologies, as a co-developer of a Culture Globe is proud to announce, that this project has become a winner of Europeana Hackaton competition.

Feel free to try the project yourself at http://cultureglobe.github.io/

More information about competition at http://pro.europeana.eu/web/guest/etechhackaton2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

FOSS4G Denver 2011

Klokan Technologies participated at the global conference focused on Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial, which was organized by OSGeo and took place in Denver in September 2011.

Petr Pridal presented our company Klokan Technologies, its products, softwares and many other projects in which Klokan Technologies participated.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

International Cartographic Conference - France

International Cartographic Association (ICA) Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage organized a conference in Paris, France. This conference was realized in July 2011 as 25th International Cartographic Conference, and Klokan Technologies was there. Petr Pridal presented about our products, projects and interesting research.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Nationaal Archive Netherlands: Georeferencer

Klokan Technologies prepared Georeferencer application for Nationaal Archief (NA) in the Hague in May 2011. Thanks to Georeferencer, 650 maps were scanned and made available online in less than one month.
Volunteers made their contributions to the project from their homes.

Georeferencer is an online tool service which was adapted to Archief's needs and made public-friendly. This service allows rapid collaborative georeferencing, annotation, 3D visualisation and accuracy analysis of scanned online maps. Online maps are analyzed directly in a web browser environment. You do not need to install any other software on your computer.

In cooperation with people from NA a pilot was set up to gain experience with the use of ten volunteers through a crowdsourcing tool. After the demonstration of the tool volunteers were all excited about the simplicity of the tool and the possibilities of georeferenced maps, especially after showing the transparency slider in Google Earth and MapRankSearch. There was also a competition and prize for the winner.

For more information about this project, please visit: http://www.archief20.org/profiles/blogs/pilot-georefereren

Friday, April 8, 2011

Digital Approaches in Cartographic Heritage: Hague 7-8 April 2011

Petr Pridal from Klokan Technologies was on 6th International Workshop of Digital Approaches in Cartographic Heritage in Hague, 2011.

Progress of OldMapsOnline project done for Moravian Library and Temap were presented together with review of other Georeferencer pilots including information about used technology.

Slides are available at:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WebGL Earth: Open Source 3D Globe for Web Browser

WebGL Earth is an open source software enabling to explore, zoom and “play” with the 3D globe directly in a web browser on any platform including mobile devices - without a plugin. The project lives from support and cooperation of developer community.

Live demo:
Project page with source code:

It is written in JavaScript using HTML5 Canvas tag with WebGL extension. The code uses Closure Library and Compiler - the same toolset which is behind GMail, Docs, Maps and other Google products.

The project displays detailed street-level data (via OpenStreetMap), detailed aerial imagery (via Bing Maps) and any other custom maps which are available in popular Mercator tiles (prepared by MapTiler, GDAL2Tiles, TileCache, GeoWebCache, etc).

Browser supporting WebGL, like Mozilla Firefox 4 Beta, Google Chrome Beta, WebKit nightly or other is necessary to try this project out.

If you don’t have one, you can at least check the video:

WebGL Earth is available to embed in your own websites via a simple JavaScript API, which we hope to extend soon - based on requests of community. Check the first set of examples demonstrating the API:


Developers can also modify the code completely and use the rendering core as a component for other projects. The best place to start with development is the Quickstart document.

Users are welcome to submit feedback. Developers can join mailing-list, join our community, create a new amazing applications from the source code and make contribution to WebGL Earth or help with reporting and fixing of bugs.

We are looking forward to hear from you. The future of this open-source project is in your hands!