Monday, June 18, 2012

OpenLayers V3 Sprint Event

Petr Pridal from Klokan Technologies took part in the one-week meeting of 7 developers from USA, Canada, France, Switzerland, Austria and Czech republic. The goal for this sprint was to lay the foundations of OpenLayers version 3.

OpenLayers is an open-source component to display not only maps but also other scanned documents in the web browser window. Thanks to this activity, users can view the pictures and maps on all computers without using Adobe Flash and also to view such applications on mobile devices like iPad, iPhone or Android.

More information about the meeting and Open Layers at

Friday, June 15, 2012

The best search service for historical maps yet built

On June 15th, Old Maps Online was presented at the Europeana Plenary meeting in Belgium. We have to quote a David Haskiya's (Europeana product developer) introduction:

"I invited Petr because Old Maps Online is the best search service for historical maps yet built. And also because he combines entrepeneurial spirit with technical insight in a way that I think is sorely needed among GLAMs."