Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Google IP Geolocation

Google just published new AJAX API function ClientLocation for IP Geolocation.

This way you receive an JavaScript object with latitude and longitude and with address (city, region, country and country code) of your visitor.

It is cool and practical for use even without displaying Google Maps, as you can change behavior of your website according location of the visitor.

I wrote a typical example application Google IP Geolocation Map and Address which you can just copy and paste.

What IP database is Google practically using? Anybody knows? Is it their private or they are licensing one from another company?

Is the quality of IP geolocation better then free GeoLite City from MaxMind?


  1. It does not work...maxmind geolocation is more accurate than google!

    Eng. Renzi Marco

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you, Klokan Petr Přidal, for posting this info about google ip geolocation.
